
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Causes, Diagnosis, And Treatment

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, more commonly known as PCOS, stands as one of the most prevalent hormonal disorders affecting individuals with ovaries, especially during their reproductive years. Despite its frequency, misconceptions surround this condition, making it imperative to shed light on its causes, how it's diagnosed, and available treatment options. Delving into the Causes The exact cause of PCOS remains elusive to medical professionals. However, several factors appear to play a significant role in its development.
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  • How Weight Management Can Affect Gynecology

    Many gynecological issues may be affected by your weight. A gynecologist might recommend losing weight and changing your diet as part of a treatment plan for various conditions. PCOS  Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) occurs when the ovaries create cysts instead of producing the typical egg each month. Eventually, the ovaries become enlarged because they are full of cysts. Generally, women with PCOS have irregular cycles. They may bleed profusely for weeks, then not see another period for months.
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  • 3 Gynecology Care Tips For Women In Their 40S

    Going to the gynecologist for a check-up annually as well as any time you are dealing with any gynecological issues is important, and can be even more so once you're a woman in your 40s. In your 40s, you may start to experience hormonal changes which can lead to discomfort without the proper medical care. Generally, it's important to take especially good care of your health during this life stage. You can do so by following these gynecology care tips: 
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  • Unexpected Causes of Abnormal Bleeding

    You're sitting at home, going through your work calendar when you notice your period has lasted longer than usual. Or maybe you were in the middle of your period, and suddenly, it stopped for a few days, then started again. It can be scary and confusing when something seems off with your body. But did you know that there are many reasons for abnormal bleeding? This article explores some of the most common reasons for abnormal bleeding and the available treatment options.
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  • Which Weight Management Treatments Are Right For You?

    A variety of weight management techniques can help you lose weight, no matter your ultimate weight loss goals. If you have been considering medical intervention for weight loss, you might have some ideas about how to pursue the best treatment for your body. These are some of the weight loss techniques you might want to consider as you develop weight loss goals. Dietary Changes For many people, dietary changes are the first step involved in weight management.
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  • Vaginal Rejuvenation Can Improve Your Life

    The female body goes through all sorts of changes, including childbirth and menopause. Undoubtedly, these changes impact many of the body's systems, including the vagina. For women, reduced tightness and urinary incontinence are just some of the issues faced. Vaginal rejuvenation is a non-surgical treatment designed to address these issues and improve self-confidence. Heightened Sexual Pleasure Particularly with age, the tissue that lines the vagina starts to lose some of its elasticity.
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  • Natural Remedies For Vaginal Atrophy

    When you are suffering from vaginal atrophy, it can be irritating and embarrassing at the same time. The physical irritation you get is caused by all the dryness you will experience. The embarrassment may come when you have to subject yourself to several medical examinations. If you want to know some natural ways to deal vaginal atrophy take a look at the following remedies. Time for a Change One of the best ways to treat vaginal atrophy is to make lifestyle changes.
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  • How Obstetricians Help With Pregnancy

    Thanks to modern medical advances, it's no longer such a major issue to seek help for conception and birth. Experts have not only obtained extensive training in obstetrics, but they also have the opportunity to practice what they are taught in the classroom before joining the field. This doesn't mean you can't have a kid without them. But as many women faced in previous years, health risks can be greater without proper medical care.
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  • 4 Options For Infertility Treatments

    Many couples struggle to conceive. It is not unusual for a couple to need medical assistance to have a child. Science has evolved so much that there are many options to make it easier for couples to have their baby. Here are some things that you need to know about getting infertility treatments. 1. Medication To Help Ovulation Some women have a hard time with ovulating. They might not ovulate every month, ovulate irregularly, or have only one healthy ovary.
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  • 3 No-Gos If You Gotta Go: What Not To Eat Or Drink To Avoid Worsening Your Post-Pregnancy Incontinence

    Along with a beautiful baby and seemingly permanent bags under your eyes, pregnancy has somehow left you with the inability to go more than an hour or so without peeing, lest you ruin yet another pair of pants by leaking. But did you know what you're eating and drinking might play a part in why you have to go so often? If you're looking for foods and drinks to avoid due to your post-pregnancy incontinence, then here's what you need to know.
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