• 3 Gynecology Care Tips For Women In Their 40S

    Going to the gynecologist for a check-up annually as well as any time you are dealing with any gynecological issues is important, and can be even more so once you're a woman in your 40s. In your 40s, you may start to experience hormonal changes which can lead to discomfort without the proper medical care. Generally, it's important to take especially good care of your health during this life stage. You can do so by following these gynecology care tips: 
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  • Unexpected Causes of Abnormal Bleeding

    You're sitting at home, going through your work calendar when you notice your period has lasted longer than usual. Or maybe you were in the middle of your period, and suddenly, it stopped for a few days, then started again. It can be scary and confusing when something seems off with your body. But did you know that there are many reasons for abnormal bleeding? This article explores some of the most common reasons for abnormal bleeding and the available treatment options.
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